KaproX - Magnetic Stamper Set
Project goal
This course was a real-life simulation of designing a product, for a tool and measuring company by the name of Kapro.
The goal was to develop a new product, under the company’s brand.
In order to get as many clients as possible, we need to reach out
to the most common DIY maintenance, home owners, tend to do on their own.
Under the DIY title, I have found that hanging a picture, a shelf, or any other kind of object on the wall is the most common action related to the company’s brand.
Even though most people find hanging objects on the wall as a relatively easy task, it can take much skill and practice to do well and accurate.
Design response
Dual magnetic ‘coins’ that attach to the hanging holes and mark
The drilling spots on the hanging surface with an ink stamp.
The kit contain four stamp sets, a reserve ink tube, and
an angle finder level. This makes mounting objets on surfaes efficient, much accurate and whole lot easier.
Method of Construction
3D Printing + Rendering
Yossi Ben Arush and Amit Ferber
In collaboration with the Kapro Company, 2015.